Nov 01, 2005 04:46
I'm proud of myself. I finished my project 9 hours ahead from when it's due. This is a big accomplishment for me.
In other news, my respiratory system has decided to malfunction. At this moment, I am coughing, hiccuping, occassionally burping. It's quite uncomfortable. I have an exam in 4 hours. I haven't started studying. I'm not too worried. Suzanne's exams tend to be very common sense.
I'm very disapointed with Gwen Stefani. I'm currently watching her video for "luxurious", and this "ghetto-fabulous" thing has gone too far. Remember the cute punky girl from Orange County that we loved? What happened to her?
Another thing that irritates me is this new song by Kanye West, featuring Jamie Foxx. While the song is alright, there is one fundamental problem with it. Jamie Foxx, although he may have expertly played Ray Charles, is not Ray Charles! This is borderline plagarisim.
I looked really cute for halloween. :D
It's 5 am. I'm not exactly lucid. Sleep well.