i wonder how chakakhan is doing. lol. i found this in my old photobucket. that kid's
face looks rele scary (the one on the left) ahaha. they are both standing the same too.
my thighs look gigantic in that picture. those jeans actually fit better now...like smaller.
things lately have been.....kinda upsetting. idk. i want friends.
other then that...the other day my lovely sisters from EP came by and spent the night.
Beth &Katie. gosh i love them &miss them so. i also miss my baby, Ralph.
i hung out with Ralph yesterday. Ralph = amazing. he's my most favorite in the world.
ugh. but this girl yesterday was a huge moley bitch that was with us. gross. i hated her,
but i loooove him (Ralph). gosh, it's rediculous.
this is kind of a long entry.
hahaha adam gave this to me as blackmail against kevin. funny kid. he made a movie.
what the hell is that? eh. i won't even begin to explain.
random pictures. i didn't feel like posting ne of me (minus the one on top) cuz
they all suck. i'm not photogenic. psh whatever.