please say a prayer or think good thoughts for my grandma. I think you guys all know how close I have always been to her, and most of you have probably met her at some point. My mom just called and said she was following the ambulance with my grandma in it to the hospital. Apparently this morning around 11:00 my grandma went to the grocery store that is about a mile from her house and got lost on the way there. You CAN'T get lost going to that back out of her driveway, turn right, turn left, go straight for a few blocks and you're there. She was so flustered when she got there she couldn't go in to the store, so she went back home. After being at home for awhile, she didn't even remember having gone to the store. My aunt and cousin stopped by to see if she'd want to go to lunch and found out what had happened, so they went to the store for her. My mom wondered if grandma's blood pressure was high, so my aunt bought a tester. Her bp was 170/120 or something like that. My mom and uncle decided to call 911. The paramedics took her bp when they got there and it was 202/something (my mom didn't remember the bottom number). She kept saying that her head felt fuzzy or really full. So she's on her way to the hospital where hopefully they can figure out what's going on with her. My mom wonders if it's a stroke based on how she was acting and the high bp. It didn't really hit me until I called John and told him what was going on how serious this might be. My mom didn't sound too concerned, she said I didn't need to go out there. I'd think if it was really serious she'd have me come. My grandma will be 90 in three weeks.
Update as of 4:00--My mom called and they're going to keep my grandma overnight most likely. The doctor thinks the memory loss (she doesn't remember anything past eating breakfast this morning) could be heart related, like not enough oxygen getting to the brain. Or it could have been a small stroke. She had an irregular heart beat when she got there, but it was normal once they did an EKG. Her blood pressure was lower when they got to the hospital, too, and has been steadily decreasing (in a good way). They did a CT scan and chest x-ray, so I guess they'll know more once those results come back. Apparently my grandma was telling all of them to just go home and she'd call them when she got in a room. :)
Update as of 5:00--All tests came back normal, the doctor is just concerned about her irregular heartbeat. They'll keep her overnight to monitor it and see if they can find the cause for it. So that's awesome news!!
Update as of 7:00--Another doctor was in to see her and diagnosed the condition as
Transient Global Amensia, which sounds scary from the name but the description on Wikipedia isn't bad at all. This doctor wants her to have a neurological consult tomorrow and keep her on a heart monitor overnight. But, that doesn't sound bad at all. Much better than a stroke anyway!