Mar 07, 2008 07:21
What a freakin' week. I'm so glad it's almost done! It started with the whole Cindy Lou issue which had me freaked out for days.
Then there was the news about my friend being hospitalized (although thankfully she seems to be doing a lot better).
We found out on Wednesday that John's cousin had killed himself on Tuesday. They had only met once--a few years ago for their uncle's funeral--but it was still pretty devastating to him. I didn't realize how upset he was about it until I heard him on the phone with his parents, so I felt like a horrible wife. The funeral is today, so please think good thoughts for his parents who are in Detroit for that. Paul was Bill's last close relative. He has some cousins in Ireland, but no immediate family left.
Yesterday Cindy Lou went in for the tests to see what's going on with her liver. We won't know for a week what they found out. She was acting pretty normal when she got home, but around 7:30 last night she was laying on the floor in our living room whimpering. She really struggled to get up, and walking looked like it was difficult for her. She came over to the couch and couldn't even jump up. She usually has no problem doing it. There seemed to be something wrong with her back legs. That had happened once before almost three years ago, and I took her to the emergency vet and found out she needed to have her anal glands expressed. Gross. Even grosser, I looked up how to do it and gave it a try, but nothing happened. I carried her upstairs so she could sleep on her bed (she's pampered, what can I say), but I was really worried all night what she'd be like this morning. It took her awhile to get up, but I finally convinced her to. She stood up with no problems and jumped off the bed just like normal. So at least I don't have that to worry about!!
I'll just be glad when this week is done! Especially since next week starts off with my birthday!!