infinite improbability

May 01, 2005 23:50

yay friends! yay jonathan!

kaja shaved her head!

international student identity card photoshoot...


nosotros en la cafeteria. porque?

me and the littlest jonogoat gruff

dave. dave, my dave.

Today I finished my final honors paper, ate a 5 pm breakfast, dropped the paper off in my teacher's mailbox, and stepped out of the Walker Building around 6 pm.
A car pulled up to the curb and parked right in front of me. My future roommates, Evan and Jay, who I had never even seen outside of the apartment in Brookline, got out of the car. I couldn't believe it. The whole thing seeemed so casual. They were on their way to the movies and I didn't have anything else to do.
"Can I come?"
I felt like I had to go see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with them under these strange circumstance. Throughout the movie, these ridiculously convenient (yet totally improbable) coincidences and lucky chances would move the storyline along. I met Evan's friend from the improv asylum, Brian at the movies too. He works at MIT doing research on string theory. I just feel like I saw this movie under the most oddly appropriate circumstances possible. My favorite part of the movie was probably the musical number, "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish," set to stock footage of dolphins at Sea World.
Afterward the movies, we all went out to the China Pearl restaurant in Chinatown, where there was a Chinese wedding reception happening at the same time. Yes, there was kareoke.
My fortune was: To make dreams real, first you have to have them.
I feel a little more at ease with my roommates now. It was cool to meet up with them this way. Evan was telling me all the things I was going to love about the apartment. Tivo. And a Rice-Maker. It makes the perfect rice. Throw in the rice, forget about it, and by the time dinner is ready you have the perfect rice. It's perfect. So, I have that to look forward to. I always feel more comfortable with someone when I can say, "hey remember that time...?"
Oh, glorious! I have no obligations tomorrow. except dinner with adam. and that's not an obligation exactly. More like a date.
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