Jun 01, 2005 18:46
so I tried to update earlier but it wouldnt let me. Im in the learning grid again - whoo, im worried by the fact that i seem to be able to talk for hours about viruses but i cant actually answer the exam questions. hmph. So what am I up to in the next few days? well apart from the obvious revsision and exams until monday, tomoro I am going to silverstone as i have a VIP pit pass for the renault garage at the formula one testing. This is the last opportunity the teams have to test before the british grand prix so hopefully all the big drivers will be there. friday is my agents of infectious diseases exam. Saturday brings with it a journey to london where im seeing Tori Amos at the hammersmith appollo. sunday involves returning to the bubble very early in order to get some animal biology cramming done before the exam on monday. I cannot WAIT for monday night! huurrrahh!
I'm sorry im being rubbish with msn and texts and stuff right now....how are you??