I started another blog, just for the hell of it. claireington.blogspot.com

Aug 02, 2007 14:36

Just because it's summer, doesn't mean life's lessons stop to soak up the rays . Here are some things I have learnt thus far into my summer vay-cay:

1. Popping popcorn with olive oil (extra-virgin or no) creates a bland kernel, as opposed to popping with canola oil. Nonetheless, if this is the only oil you have on hand, go for it. Denying oneself popcorn because of a specific oil shortage is silly. Just silly. Incidentally, I encourage one and all who are on the popcorn pathway to experiment with their seasonings. You never know when you'll hit a gold mine of explosive and satisfying flavour. I mean, who would have thought kettle corn would catch on? Sugary sweet popcorn that goes for $6 a bag at the Fringe...who'da thunk it? Probably someone with excessive time on their hands and a love of corn and flavour. You could be that person.

2. There is no such t
hing as 'free time'. You may be asking yourself what the hell I am talking about; this is, after all, summertime, a season fraught with short shorts, ice cold beverages and mid-to-late afternoon naps -- relaxing accouterments designed specifically for laziness. Well my good friends, l'image a gauche is my case in point. When you find yourself in need to a task to do and nothing immediately presents itself (you've already flipped through all the channels, surfed all your Internet pages, vacuumed up the dead flies on your window sill...), simply pick up your camera and start clicking. If you are lucky you may get some wonderful shots of whatever you are snapping, be it yourself, the neighbour's flowers (yours have already died due to excess, bored-induced watering), a thunderstorm etc. Who doesn't love a little documentation of boredom? It may just be the highlight of your day.

3. Summer parties and get-togethers are a dime a dozen. Firing up the barbeque and calling friends to come over is a weekly occurrence. Because of this, people have become desensitized to the fiesta spirit that only a well-planned kick back can provide and that the heat has to offer. If you are going to have friends over, make it a night to remember by inviting guests in advance; calling someone up the night before and inviting them to your house for a hamburger only makes it seem like you bought excess ground beef. Let's take a step back and remember what being a good host requires: attention to detail. If you go out of your way, people will notice and appreciate the care you put forth. Pouring a jar of salsa into a chipped glass bowl is easy; making your own salsa is cunning, adventurous, and satisfying. Not only does planning a party provide a solution to aforementioned lesson #2, but it provides an opportunity to take pictures, make delicious popcorn, and create memories of a summer well spent.

Hopefully these lessons serve you well during this last month of freedom and exorbitant spending.

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