A reason to go upstairs again.

Mar 28, 2007 20:47

So I am on my Spring Break this week. Unfortunately, I've been forced to live a life of full on pre-year 2000 AKA everyday life without a computer.

What a task! First of all, I don't like to let my email sit for even a day unchecked because I usually recieve at least 10 emails from various sources (ooh don't I sound important?!) so letting it sit from Saturday night? Oh god. The crap I had to sort through! I am so sick of having to block 800 different spam email addresses that constantly flood my inbox with Viagra ads. Luckily there weren't any super important emails I missed.

But this dependance on my internet life only further proved the fact that I am incredibly phone phobic. I would rather IM with my friends than call them to confirm plans. I mean, the comfort factor differs between friends so there are some that I don't mind conversing with 'normally' via telephone, but with others it's just easier to instant message. A sad, sad truth. And the thing is, I don't even text people like most kids my (our) age, which I am sure would draw some gasps and side-glances from more than half the kids at my school if they knew. It's crazy how our generation is so quick to impose pixels for actual face time with friends. How come we are so afraid of confrontation with people we know we like? It's one thing to be considered a shy person, but when an entire generation of kids can't make eye contact with their friends? That's something else. Something weird.

And yet I am one of those kids, most of the time. Scary.

Switching out of Jessica Darling mode: living without a computer and having no school work to seriously focus on forced me to crack the spine of Twilight, a book I've owned since last Friday but hadn't had a chance to open until Sunday. Because the workload this entire year has been absolutely bananas, I haven't had a lot of opportunities to read for leisure, save for the time over Christmas Break. It's a sad existance, I must admit because I honestly love living through the characters I am reading about and learning from. I love a good escape, be it sad, funny, or plain crazy so not having that this year has led to some lonesome nights and weekends. But alas! When I was unable to turn on my computer let alone go on the Internet, I channeled the great reading years that were 2004-2006 and am now over halfway done Twilight. And even though I do have my computer up and running, I'm definitely devoting what remains of my break to my books. I'll probably pick up a couple more books tomorrow since I have a long weekend coming up next Friday, but I won't worry if I don't get around to them that quickly. Everything happens in time.

I worked today, which was okay. I swear they all think I am an idiot because everytime I have to cash my till in at the end of my shift, I have either too much money or not enough because I put too much in the drop bag. It's a complicated process I clearly haven't mastered and will therefore spare you the agony of trying to read a incoherent explanation by yours truly, but I honestly cannot grasp the simple concept of counting out $150, even with the assistance of a swanky cash calculator. Whatever. I can call the drinks and I can make the drinks, for the most part at least. Being away for 3 months can leave a considerable amount of mental gaps in the sugar pump-espresso-cup size ratio mental department.

Tonight I am going to watch I Heart Huckabees and possibly bake something since I don't have to get up early for work tomorrow. Yesterday I decided to make use of the Easter-inspired cookie cutters my mom gave me, a rabbit and a chick, so I made this fabulous recipe. I highly, highly recommend it. So. Damn. Good.

I shall be off. Oh yeah, before I forget! I totally switched up my room and got really arty on Monday night, so I am going to take some pictures because I am quite proud of the changes. So that will be my next post I suppose. Enough digressing. G'night!
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