(no subject)

May 23, 2006 16:20

OHHH reunion was so great. really really great. i love them all so muuucccch! Actually... on the way to toronto...on the bus, something really realyl scary happened. It was 2:00 am...and there was this boy standing on the side of the road, probably my age... and the bus driver stopped, and the boy came onto the bus, and the bus driver was like "is everything ok?" and then he was like "no i flipped my car over" and then i looked outside and over a bit, and there was this completely totalled car off into the field a bit...and there was someone inside it i think. Just the reality was so scary and i thought i was going to hurl... and then the police came about 2 minutes later, and we left. I don't think this guy was even old enough to be driving...but... who knows. I shouldn't care, and it's none of my business, but it's freaky.

and now there are only 39 DAYS UNTIL CAMP!?

that's JUST over a month.

i can't handle my exitement. I need to start packing or something.

On the bus ride home from fanny's house, suze and i were planning what we are going to pack, and from what we calculated, we concluded that I would need about 16 huge duffle bags to fit everything i want to bring. And then we decided that we are going to have to hook a trailer to the back of her van to take all of our stuff. Or pile it all on the top of the van. 'Cause if Suze, Vaness and I are all going in the same car. I don't know if all our stuff will fit. I guess that's part of the fun of CAAAAMMMPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then after that, I spent 6 hours wrapped up in a huge blanket, sleeping...and doing crossword puzzles...cause suze got off in peterborough, and i was on the local bus so it stopped in every little town possible. But i love the bus.

oh my. ohhhh my.
And I only have one exam. And it's over on the first day of exams. SO there is i think only about 29 days left until school is OVER. I am sick of making waffle cones at truffle treasures! i've made 1300 of them..... can you beleive it? i need to make 2000 in total. probably more.

hummm hummm. well. love you all tons. tonnnns and toonnnns!
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