(no subject)

Apr 15, 2010 17:14

this article has really annoyed me. it would be good to read the original though and apologies if taken out of context.


It seems to say that Catholics to do penance to make amends for the paedophilia scandals and says that this involves, "opening oneself up to forgiveness, preparing oneself for forgiveness, allowing oneself to be transformed".

Now, when I was at Catholic school the girls that went to confession seemed to end up saying a lot of prayers as penance. While this might wash for school girl transgressions I am not sure that saying a few Hail Marys is the same as resigning from your all expenses paid job in recognition of making a huge mistake.

He then goes on to talk about the dictatorship of conformity. Erm, I may be wrong here but conforming to the law is not dictatorship and since when did the catholic church, or any other religion for that matter, make decisions based on democracy? As far as I can see this man is one of the most influential in the world (based on number of people who believe him to be God's representative on earth) and he makes decisions based on what God tells him to think. Pot calling kettle black.... Or is it a shock for him to discover that he not above the law once outside his own, private city state?


While the anthropologist in me recognises that belief in "something" is a universal human need (I suspect that even the most ardent atheist believes that their doctor will get them better :-), actually give most Christians the choice and when they are ill their belief in the NHS at least equals their belief in god), I am rapidly questioning my own belief and thinking that belief in the presence of a god is down right dangerous and a license for nutters all over to justify their actions with no reference to the law or norms of society. Not to mention giving genuine, well meaning believers a bad name.
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