I've finally took a decision concerning the icon challenge community. Do you remember me hesitating between Sex&the city, grey's anatomy, friends, jennifer aniston?????? I couldn't make a Jennifer Aniston one as a question of respect to Cassie's wonderful job But I've noticed that she only uses photoshoots of Jennifer and I got that idea (tell me what you guys think about that) How about opening a Jennifer Aniston's character icon challenge community where challenge will concerns captures from movies and Friends!!!!! Tadam!!!! Ok I am a bit crazy with this new idea but Jen is definetly the one I love to work the most with she's a real source of inspiration and I know that she's for the most of you too.So I need your opinion and need to know if you'll join before to open it (I guess next week -cause I'll have to make advertising banners and header).
Things are better with my boy, we talked a lot and I told him if he wouldn't change a bit his behaviour we'll definetly break-up but he doesn't want to break with me at all lol. And I've a favour to ask to you : Cassie's
longestdrive step mum will have surgery tomorrow so if you could just have a little thought for her I think she'll be pleased and feel supported...thanks in advance.