these are little random things:
. I have some maths homeworks and I can't get through them.
. Kate walsh is absolutly stunning !
. It's Sunday and I am getting bored.
. South Africa won the rugby world cup YAY!!!
. trains are still on strike.
But the greatest new of my week-end is related to my teenage past lol. I know wome of you used to listen to some boys bands *don't hide* I used favourite band was a british one called Worlds Apart and after seven years they are back YAY!!!!!!
Older but still so good looking and I love the song lol It's like I am still 13 and dancing all around getting excited by this wonderful news lol
here is the new video clip for those interesting I have to say that my favourite one was Cal (the one with the scarf in) and WOW still so gorgeous!!!! I love them so much lol ok don't laugh you know what we say "fan one day fan all days"
Click to view
Singin in french just fro meeeee!!!! lol