May 25, 2004 22:41
i just have to say, i love summer. i woke up at 1:30pm today. how freaking awesome is that. i've decided to go that concert that ashley was talkin about, the one with suburban tragedy, the darkness, and others. its june 5th in clearwater and i must say, I LOVE KRYSTIE WITH ALL MY HEART!! shes lettin me and ash stay at her house the night of the concert. i really appreciate that krystie!
so my family and i finally went out for my birthday dinner tonite--oyster bar baby. yum.
last night was so much fun. i went to ashleys and nishant, dan and justin came over. we just watched tv and dvds, but those guys are hilarious, especially justin. i really miss hangin out with him and i hope we can hang out more this summer!! oh, and his car is flipping awesome. and nishant, i know you read this, you journal stalker! i love you too babe.
so anyways, over the next few days, i only have a few things planned. tomorrow i work 10 to 5 (argh...come visit me people! tj maxx at the intersection of I4 and 436 across from the mall!) and i'll hopefully hang out with dan and some other people. thursday i have off so i'll probably do some shoppin. and then joe cooper is gonna be in town this weekend so maybe i'll see him a bit. oh, that reminds me, one of these days, i wanna plan for everyone to come over and chill, maybe go tubing on my dads boat and watch some movies and go swimming. everyone leave me a message letting me know when your free. and that goes for anyone who can possibly get to my house. out of town people, you can even stay the night if you need to! i just wanna have everyone over, dammit.
well, i guess thats all for now. btw, the drama with wade is over, that kid knows i love him.
oh, read this, ashley sent it to me, lol. another bud light commercial, specifically designed for basically everyone reading this right now:
Bud Light Presents, Real American Heroes. Today I salute you Mr. Compulsive Away Message Checker. While most people are out actually having a fun college life, you are at home, reading about it on your computer screen. Right mouse click, Get Buddy Info, or the little Info box at the bottom of the Buddy List [whichever is faster]. You have people on that list you haven't talked to in years, but you still loyally read their away messages everyday to see what they are up to [borderline stalking]. So, crack open an ice cold Bud Light, Marauder of the Mousepad and don't wander too far from your computer because you never know when someone's away message may change.