My dear horse really is an interesting beast. He seems to swing between medical problems, ranging from choke to lameness, and behavioural problems, ranging from extreme bucking to rearing to barging people over and biting. Ergo, his ridden career seems to be continually punctuated with vast breaks. He seems to have finally gotten over that annoying habit of planting and rearing, yay!, but once I actually managed to complete an ODE (*dances* first place, double clear on his dressage score), he promptly went lame, and this lasted a couple of months, so he's only just coming back into work.
This means life is very exciting. Apparently, chasing cows was just too exciting for Tally as his nasty habit of bucking when excited came back to bite (and land me) on my arse. However, after a little over a week in work, he currently looks like this: