Nov 17, 2005 15:29
So I'm downtown yesterday. You know, buying yarn, checking out the washboards at ACE, living life and I get this call from my dad. He's all "Takken's Shoes called, they want you to call them back." So I call them up when I'm outside ACE and Sharalin (My mgr.) is all "Hiiiii how's the job search going?" And I'm thinking to myself -oh damn, she gave me a hiiiii this cannot be good- I mean it was like the "hiiii, so your hamster died" hiii and I say "not to good, you know, nobody has called me back,I'm having a really tough time" right? because I totally know what's coming. I mean, she gave me the hiiiii. So she's all "I'm so sorry to do this to you, but we're going to have to let you go...the scheduling thing just isn't working out" And that was it. I was just like "whatever" -bitch-(in my mind) And she was all "ohhh, boo hoo hoo, i'm sorry,blah blah" So my shit is fucked. Basically, my moms hasn't been working as much as she thought she was so I really needed my paychecks. Now, I don't even know if I'm going to be able to pay rent and shit and fucking Christmas is coming to so I hope you are all ready to get macaroni necklaces. . . Anyways, the point is just because you don't work for WalMart doesn't mean you won't get fucked when you need some help from your employer. I thought a small business like Takken's shoes would be different but I guess I was just being naiive. So never buy ugly shoes from Takken's Shoes because they hella suck and will anal rape you the minute you turn your back... the company, not the shoes.