Nov 18, 2003 09:45
Seeing as I have a good amount of free time before class and my roommate is off in the land of sleep which really eliminates doing anything fun, like tango dancing with a mop or dueling with chainsaws or juggling rabid squids I thought I would write in here for an alternative. It's crazy to think that this semester is almost done. In once sense it seems like September was just yesterday, but then again I feel like more than a years worth of things have happened within the time of school starting and now. I'm really happy about this semester ending, but then again I'm frantically scurrying around like a rabit on speed trying to get everything done and turned in on time. Ah well, it's still a blast and I know how extraordinarily blessed I am to have the people I have in my life. It hit me the other day in the bathroom of Charmichael, my friends are the bestest!!! I love you guys!! Your support and friendships have meant so much to me. You all are wonderful! Sorry to get all cheesy on y'all. Heheh, I am from the state of cheese though. I must say once again what a lovely comic Nat and Gen did for the conversationalist! Yay! I'm excited about winter term, BONSAI!!! Does anyone know who is in that class? I checked on the website and it said that only five people are taking it...I hope that some cool kindred spirit is taking it also! This weekend was tres extraordinaire! First nifty spiffy time in Atlanta with a wonderful group of gals! The film we saw was rather beyond me...though the part where two assholes were spraying eachother with gasoline was sort of funny...they didn't blow up which was quite a shame. THEN Ann Patchett, my favorite authour, was AWSOME!!!! It was so cool to meet the woman behind one of my favorite books...and she wasn't all weird and creepy. But yes...roomie's alarm is a-ringing! And class calls. Bleh! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
I love you Bob.