
Nov 05, 2008 14:41

Is this waitin' on fries?
Yeh- but wait- let me tell ya-
Never trust the hippies-
she wanted that natural childbirth shit
you gotta do it with style you know?
so how'd you do it?
Just like that! I did it with style-
Don't talk ta me about the burden of makin' fuckin babies
God! bearing a woman when she's pregnant-
I used to be blonde- what color am i now
greyish-brown that's right. i was a blonde man-
so we did it all
months of that hooo haaaa hoooo haaaaa shit
awwll the fuckin' time hooo haaaa hoooo haaaa
and we're all set up-
for the baby to be born
in this fuckin' hippy's home
and what happens? baby comes a month early!
he smacks the steel window like a cue.
so i throw all her shit in the car
and we drive over to the hippy's house
and I says- look- we're having the baby now
we're ready for this-
and what do they do?
the hippies tell me to take a fuckin' hike
they weren't expecting us for a month.
god damn hippies. never trust the hippies
so what do ya do? i've got a screaming woman
in the front seat- and a trunk full a
her clothes and peee wee baby shirts
and nowhere to go-
his big pink mouth hangs open
like a toucan ready to eat
over tiny tinfuls-a-baby onions
spring ravioli and molten chocolate cake.
is this tuna?- no it's mahi
fuck, she wanted tuna.
so I turn around and start headin' to the other side-a-town
wait- i gotta run this. no let me just-
hold on. i'll be right back-
ok- they're fine. so you're driving-
i'm driving- we get to the bridge
and you know what happens?--
shit. coffee. i'll be back
what happens? you wanna hear the end of the story
or what? you keep takin' off like that.
yeah- so you're on the bridge
and we run outta gas! we run outta fucking gas.
the hippies sent us hiking
and we're outta gas-
so where you goin' with this?
I never heard the end of the story
alls that ta say- i hear you, i hear you
about your biology this, sperms-eggs yadda
yadda that-
but don't tell me- he says
don't tell me reproduction don't take its toll on the male
I think the tax might be even higher-
whaddya think Paul?
Paul's 24! What does he know?
Gawd damn right Scott-
esaaa mierda hooooo haaaaa hooo haaaaa
fucking hippies.
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