There are plenty of situations where it's acceptable to be unkind, here's a bunch right off the top of my head:
-To the douche that slammed the door in my face while I was trying to enter a building. Who the hell does he think he is? That was rude, and to make matters worse he saw me. Asshole. I told him off in the lobby.
-While traveling the New York City Subway System. It's hundreds of people trapped in an underground dark tunnel in a steel tube. All I want to do is get where I'm going, I do not want to give my money to you for dancing on the R train, selling Japanese gray market batteries on the 7 train, or any other bizarre schemes. Also, I am not giving station musicians money, taking your flyer and/or listening to you if you ask me if I found Jesus. My powers of ignoring you are amazing.
-In Court. Lawyers are not supposed to be nice people. If we were, no cases would ever be won. We'd always be compromising. In a justice system that's inherently adversarial that's not a good thing.
-While driving. If I was a considerate person while driving, I would never get anywhere. The whole damn city of Boston would cut me off. Again, I have to go somewhere, and no I don't care if my windows are open and the other drivers can hear me cursing at them. Do Not get me started on road construction.
-When storylines get unresolved. Look, I know characters have to be cut. I know it's a business, but come on. This storage closet is getting a little crowded. Resolve the storylines, and let them move on. Stop letting people go up in smoke.
Muse: Claire Simms
Fandom: Boston Legal
Word Count: 295