229--If you could get anyone drunk, who would it be and what would you do?

May 04, 2008 23:57

First of all, getting lawyers drunk is usually pretty hard to do. That said, I’d get Brad Chase drunk, though he has the added complication of being in the service, so this would probably be a pretty expensive undertaking. But, it would be worth it.

So, assuming Brad gets sufficiently loaded, next step would be what I’d do with his impaired judgment and reasoning skills. This is the part of the prompt response where most people would fill in something R rated, from what I’ve heard about Brad…never mind.

What I’d do is simple really, convince him Alan outranks him, it doesn’t matter that it’s a Coast Guard Uniform, still outranks him. Then I’d videotape whatever Alan made him do, which, knowing Alan could range anywhere from completely silly to completely humiliating. Then when the next crop of associates happens to appear sometime in September, be sure to show them the tape before they have to face him in court. That should help calm them down….then Brad’d wonder why all the new associates laugh at him. It’d be fantastic.

Muse: Claire Simms
Fandom: Boston Legal
Words: 179

[community] theatrical muse, brad chase, alan shore

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