I'm sure this wasn't this week's episode's intention, but...
I effin' ship Kurt/Karofsky!!! <3
And I'm glad to see from YouTube that I am not the only one =)
But I get the feeling, that some of those who had rooted for Kurt/Blaine even before the episode aired, feel literally offended by that and go as far as to scream "Kiss!Rape" in their flaming. And that is why I love talking about my fandoms, but hardly ever really participate.
The hate makes me sad *rollseyes*
Of course the kiss wasn't all fluffy, sweet and romantic, but what did they expect from that situation - Karofsky telling Kurt to wait a sec while he pulls a candle from his locker to provide the right mood? I don't think so.
I hope I didn't offend anyone from my flist, but I felt like in the first waves of what could become a mini ship wars people were starting to polarize the whole thing a bit...