Hey everyone!!!
Yesterday the winners over at
paire_awards were announced I made second place in two of the categories I was nominated in!!!!
*does the happy dance*
1. Second Place in the category "The Sad Little Smile Award" (Most Outstanding Angst/Drama Fic) for my long-term fanfic
"Atonement" 2. Second Place in the category "The Better Than Kring Award" (Most Outstanding Author)
I'm especially proud that I ranked on the "Most outstanding Author" category- it's great to know people like the way you write =)
And it's great... Now everytime I publish a new chapter on "Atonement" I can say "new chapter for the award winning story" or "from the award winning author" =))
Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!! *huggles*
And of course congrats to all the other winners =)