Jul 02, 2007 17:47
June 14, 2007
Today my new laptop came. I really love it. It’s a mac book. So much cooler than those damn PC’s… if ya know what I’m saying.
Had my graduation party on Sunday. It was cool. I started drinking way too early which resulted in me dropping my phone in my beer. It doesn’t make any noise anymore, and the calling and talking part doesn’t work anymore. So I guess the only thing it’s good for is texting. And taking pictures, but that’s pretty much worthless too. i’ll get a new one eventually.
I love tyler so much more than ever, but I really think his priorities are way fucked up, and I can not bring myself to talk to him about it seriously because I’m afraid he’ll get really mad at me. He hates it when he knows he’s wrong. He generally runs away from his problems. You and I both know the best way to deal with a problem is not to run away from it.
It’s not even a problem he’s got. He just needs a fucking job. Well, I guess laziness is a problem. And messed up priorities is definitely a problem.
Oh, that boy.
TWO MORE MONTHS OF HOUSE ARREST LEFT. It feels like I have been on house arrest forever. I’m so sick of it. I can’t wait until I can make a run to walgreens, or go pick something up to eat, or go to the YMCA. I feel like I’m getting so fat, but I think it’s from drinking too much. Too much soda is not good for you.
We just got this verizon fios thing for our TV, and it’s really cool, but it’s not working right now, and neither is our internet connection… what’s going on, verizon? I want my legends of the hidden temple, and my facebook!!!
Why am I so pathetic?
That reminds me. I think I’m getting over this not wanting to grow up thing. Well, not all the way. I’ll still want to be in high school forever, but I’ve accepted that I’ll be in college in a couple of months. I’m just glad tyler’s going to be there, and michelle, and megan grimes, and Allison Acosta, and alexa will still be in high school, so I can hang with her whenever. Allie too. as much crap as I talk, I could not live without any of those people.
I hate working, but I gotta make dem dollas, ya dig?
july 2
even less house arrest left. can't wait.
had the worst day ever yesterday.
got kicked out of the house, so as soon as i'm off house arrest, i'm out of here. i don't know what i'm going to do, or where i'm going to go. all because of tyler.
things were finally going really really well with us, and my parents fucked it all up. now it's just going to be awkward.
india fucked things up for me too. i hate that bitch. she was more than happy to tell her mom that she got drunk at my house, but i'd put one-hundred dollars down she didn't tell her mom she fucked andy.
that girl is a nasty slut.
ipfw hasn't sent me anything...
been in a super bad mood lately, and i'm tired of it.