It said that LJ was turning 25 this month?

Apr 05, 2024 13:05

My email announced that LiveJournal started 25 years ago this month. Well, I came on board a couple months and years after that. Technically I started this record November of 2004, so that was nineteen years ago.

That is 1/4 of a century. Some writings I may have trashed due to wanting to hide the contents from spies.

I am trying to think if it's longer or shorter. Cora growled so I don't think she wants to consider it. Tilly will do it though - she is rubbing against my leg now. It had six years of maturation, with Oh No They Didn't and Customers Suck being my favourite communities, though I think there were also a number of icon communities and fandom ones of all kinds. There might be some other comms that I don't know about too. I haven't really explored it too much since I never was on LJ for the community aspect.

I have always been here to record my thoughts on the Internet so that if it remains, they shall be there as well.

maturity, socialisation, friday, birthdays, cats, memory, friendship, fear

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