A long time ago I remember a beckoning to come over "for whatever I wanted..."

Mar 28, 2024 16:34

But that immediately seemed like it is NOT ACTUALLY "for whatever I wanted..." for example, I could not be a used-car saleswoman (such as I had observed in the Matilda movie).

Eep, my Chinese book mentioned a C++ programmer, but I only vaguely remember stepping into that hall. ._.; Years and years ago. It was Anderson. That was the hall in which I had my original Calculus course, but then I had a car accident so I had to retake Pre-Calculus in the hall in which I think they used to hold music courses, but then the administration changed it to be held in a bigger building due to there being more funding for the program.

I don't remember what it's called now - but everyone and their mother called that building "old Swope." Or at least my mother did, anyway. I COULD research my undergrad website. It looks like I might have been thinking of Merion, but that sounds super-shady. I remember when I was examining the map for directions it was some sort of an address like 20 Univ. Ave. or something like that.

I mean, I didn't have to take a course again if I don't want to, but I had decided it would be in my better interest, if I want to be able to think clearer, anyway.

And if I GOT IN I might as well go when I finally get someone to come with me!

I keep not succeeding in this endeavor, but I am still determined it has to work out eventually because of the following reasons:

1. I watched an interesting "grit" movie about people who won't give up (and I haven't done so)
2. I have the stamina to keep going for the long haul
3. I've read plenty of books basically all around the fields I've been looking into
4. My friends have seemed primarily supportive
5. My parents have been super-supportive (my mother unfortunately passed away in November so I couldn't finish NaNo that year but I think she is still supportive! Most likely!)
6. My teachers from everywhere have all been supportive
7. The cats have seemed supportive
8. The birds outside have seemed supportive
9.  The squirrels my father likes to feed have seemed supportive
10. The plants around me seem supportive

I didn't know that Calgary was in Canada, but my Chinese book told me that.

Ergo, since I feel fairly well-supported and like I might be able to keep trying to get there I think that I have a fairly good chance at trying again! Although I have had some snags and fall-backs in my grand plan, I am still alive.

behaviour, maturity, excitement, laziness, reading, memory, wark, movie, computer, fam'bly, money, honesty, patience, grad, geography, squirrels, research, college, maths

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