I didn't really KNOW how closely related I was to the Chen family when I made my original pseudonym!

Nov 21, 2023 21:38

I have not made a new pseudonym for the preprint server I accidentally found myself on earlier today and I don't know if I will yet.

Today I think was only an educational day about those.
There are a bunch of them out there! :O I've wandered all over the academic iceberg before this but I've not published anything onto one of them yet. I have just proof-read for friends who published onto different journals.

I learned about how to publish papers on the Internet myself and become a doctor "in real life" today. That website says, "If this is your first time using the system, please create a new account." I haven't budged though. I suppose I will eventually because I have read about it all day long, and if I don't, then I'll never get my sniny medical degree.

Do I want to stick with the Claire-chan pseudonym though? I mean, possibly.

(I made it up when I was 14 and I am pretty sure I met my friend concurrently when I had Physics so 16/17).

THERE IS STILL HOPE FOR HIKARU, UMI AND FUU! (In my novel.) There are finches singing in it right now. The resource I accessed said most live two to five years with a maximum of nine to twelve years.

OK so I am too tired to keep going now.

Oyasumi. *yawn* I mean, I am thinking of the gigantic Tweety-bird from TV but I think it's just a phantom. My friend Christelle REALLY liked The Phantom of the Opera for some reason and I don't know why.

OK I'll stop rambling - and I decided not to use the "fanfic" tag because that is for when I actually HAVE a fanfic to be read, not when I am discussing one.

Edit to add: I am going to add that song to this entry because I mention it.

maturity, rambling, birds, laziness, medicus, geekery, chinese, fam'bly, memory, judgement, announcement, writing

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