Oct 24, 2023 11:44

As it turns out, I have gone to about 40% of the webinars I said I would. Tops.

I think that's still a pretty good percentage! I think I'm holding my own, all said and done! I still particularly like the BBC Mind Stuff! :D I think they are very nice people, still, 10 or 15 years after I initially got into contact with them! I remember talking to them.
It's very expensive to make a telephone call overseas but I've done it even before I applied to Cambridge. The rationale is that I like the BBC. They have a nice way of saying things.

I wonder how many of the webinars Cong's been to by now, if any. I could ask him. It'd probably be a good idea to go to the Reproduction, Development & Life Long Health Research Theme one, whichever tab that was. *pulls this tab out from the rest of them and searches for it*
And I'm probably not going to show up, anyway.
Or maybe.
It depends on whether I have enough tea for it.
I remember researching Earl Grey a couple years ago.


That's mixed up with the Veterinary Medicine stuff and I don't know - I have been taking care of my own cats for a while now...? They don't seem to have detectable problems at the moment, though Cora does have that flea/tick thing going on... I think Dr Latta did something with this institute though ^_^ She also takes care of the local area's dogs. I don't really want to get mixed up with them because some of those can be absolutely dreadful and I don't want to get hurt more than I already have.
Also, Cora and Tilly don't care for when I smell like other cats or dogs. *throws rest of bad spaghetti away*

I just typed out a why-I-love-birds thing for Cornell. For the record, I do not love the memory of getting pecked so hard, as I did. And my father did, too. I don't know if my sister did, as well, but I am sure if she has at least one now, she is most likely in their pathway. I don't think she took part in the breeding programme though so there's a possibility that she hasn't been bitten. I don't think my mother ever had a problem. (Requiescat in pacem. It is the case I found her last year dead, around this time. My family has done what we could and gone on.)

The cats, in any event, do not bite or claw me. Or, sometimes they will but not all the time.
My mother was very proud of having come up with the phrase "Pity the kitty!"

Well, I remember liking the Latin thing - although that is mixed up with the Greek stuff.
The kitties and I are almost ready to take flight.

My Athene Donald book is talking about someone being very well-read in two languages :D! I like to pretend I am also well-read in Latin and Russian. It is just that there has been another war that seems like it is threatening to become a world war lately so it's been incredibly difficult to communicate.

But ALSO what I had ORIGINALLY WRITTEN TO THE MAGAZINES ABOUT was the "Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviour" but I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO ASK - I don't know how to categorise "behaviour" but I just thought I'd give it a try and if it doesn't work out the tag will go unused.

People reading this journal, what do I want to ask? I honestly don't know. Do I want to alter the flow of events? I know that I did before and it didn't make my mother too happy, but I judged we don't have the equipment at my house that she needed to stay alive and it seemed there were too many COVID-19 patients at the hospital to make an exception.
/curious INTJ posting here

That makes me think of those Greek cutting ladies with the giant scissors. /vocabulary fail

I saw two weeks ago in Cambridge's Physics department they were talking about altering the flow of time, buut everyone is going to want to bring someone back from death if I consider that.

I don't know if the world can handle that. I remember really liking some kind of J-Pop thing called "The World" when I was in my teens. I might have put it as the Music for one of these entries.

OK - so I want to write my twenty-fifth work for Archive of Our Own. It says overall I have published 8,422 words on that platform thus far, so 1580 words is actually an attainable goal for a next work. (I put both math and maths for this tag since it's the same thing and I'm still lazy about combining them.)

What fandom or do I want to go original?

I think I want to write a fanfic of the fandom that Ichigo is from - the character from the manga... I think there's a different one from Bleach, but I might be wrong. I DO remember hearing that name.

I have just been scarred in the past by a great deal of argument. Time heals all wounds and I feel better now.

Although Elfie showed me some Bleach I didn't pay attention to the plot - I think she showed me in the middle somewhere. According to Wiki it is no longer running. She liked drawing characters from it, but I've never had anything to do with it past what my friend showed me. (As far as I know, she has made a name for herself in London after high school. This is one of my loli-goth friends.)

I just went through a privacy check, so that explains the tag.

That's not the best way to end a Livejournal post, now, is it... hmm... 

behaviour, ecology, meditation, physics, manga, news, tellyphone, guilt, tea, russian, manners, war, tuesday, honesty, logic, peace, bleach, etiquette, grad, olfactory disgust, greek, fear, maturity, rambling, history, birds, laziness, rhetorics, neurology, psychology, diplomacy, english, memory, drawing, θανατος, money, fam'bly, happiness, patience, latin, hanging out, cats, judgement, research, dogs, maths, privacy

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