I complained at length to many, many, many people about my right arm, and if you are one of them, I apologise sincerely EVEN IF you find it intolerably offensive to you and your culture.
Oh, hahaha, it proves how often I pay attention to time: I just switched the month of my calendar and it's the 6th of April, nearly the next week. Well, the reason is that it's the middle of time. Today I went with Okaasan to the opening of a new Japanese restaurant in town! I got a bento box since we had dropped in for lunch.
She wants to honour my friend Mattsu soon. His birthday is next week. I thought the plan was to be a little different, but I'm genki with every option.
I want to examine the
Taiwanese cuisine article because of the recent difficulties in that nation-state. I'll open up a new Taiwan tag because I never really differentiated Taiwan from China or Japan or Korea before. Oh, I saw right before I closed the window that Taiwan was influenced by Japanese rule so no wonder things happened as they have...
(I think it could only get dicey if I tried to make a North Korea and South Korea tag and then separate those in different entries or summat.)
^_^ That article includes a link describing
bubble tea and just thinking about it makes me so happy. I think I have had three bubble teas so far, two green and a milk, all on my family's budget but one abroad. Hahaha, saying what the Singaporeans do is funny! 泡泡茶 (Pinyin: pào pào chá)
Okay, if I keep drinking my tea the onslaught of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and stroke are reduced.
So that made me happy enough to go to sleep cheery.