Well this title makes a whole lot more sense: “Baggage” - Annelise and the RED defector. But seriously, I’m sure that I could have squeezed Annelise into that suitcase without breaking any bones…and as for RED, in a crate…with an oxygen mask… How many miles would that trip have been? 6000? 10 hrs? Hmm. Not believing it for a minute. Sorry.
I’m a little confused about Stan and the Russians: wasn’t he pushed into becoming a double agent? If so, why didn’t they ask him for the names in the Afghan group instead of sending Annelise to get it out of Yousef? (I liked Annelise and am sorry that she’s no longer with us). Ok, so Stan’s FBI and this group is CIA but still, he must have the means, mustn’t he? And what guy goes calling at his ex-wife’s new home so late at night? I’m surprised he got through the door.
Gabriel. I like this guy. Such a calming character; it makes you wonder how he ever had it in him to make it to the top of his game in this dog-eat-dog world. But I’m glad he did…though I still miss Claudia.
You’d think that Elizabeth, while trying to persuade Philip that Paige enlisting is the right thing to do, would tone it down and refrain from getting herself almost killed or caught at every turn. Best disguise for Lizzie up to now, the short bob - one that would have been better used for the meeting in EP#301.
Photographic support: I wonder if they ever took a whole bunch of covert photos that turned out to be of no use whatsoever? Half number plates, heads chopped off, the wrong targets, blurry…? Ha!!
I’m not entirely sure where Nina fits into this anymore: she’s known to the FBI, she got a conscience and turned herself in, she’s been sent back home to face the consequences; she seems to be of little use to the Russians so what role can Nina play in the future?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I really do want to like this show but the thrill of the chase that drew me to it has pretty much expired. And, though John Landgraf seems to think that it’ll see out five seasons, I just don’t know that I can keep this up for that long.