Who: Kakyoin and Giorno
When: Dec 26
Where: Out and about in the town
What: Kakyoin wants to get to know Giorno a little better and just talk.
Warnings: None right now.
In Progress!
Kakyoin double checked the address he had scrawled rather messily on a piece of paper. His English handwriting was still quite atrocious, but it served its purpose. He pulled into the empty driveway, shutting the car off and exiting. He pocketed the keys and zipped up his jacket. It really was in the middle of nowhere...kind of quaint with the horse in the fenced off yard. He made his way up the ramp to the door and knocked quietly on it. Johnny answered the door, looking up at Kakyoin.
"Oh, it's you. Er, gimme a second, I dunno if Gio's ready or not," he answered, peeking back over his shoulder.