Jam smiled brightly when she came into Terry's view, a large overnight bag being lagged around behind her along with her normal bag and purse. "Here I am- shall we be off aru ka?" she smiled. It was a good thing she'd found somewhere to stay- she would have asked Trevor, but she didn't want to intrude on the boy, nor put his family and home at risk while she was unprotected- somewhere like this was far safer, what with all the fighters around...
"I hope it's not too much trouble, on such short notice aru.." she smiled.
"Hey, you heard it from Master Tung yourself, it's perfectly all right." He chuckled, grabbing Jam's overnight bag from her grasp and slinging it over her shoulder. "Dunno if he'd be so understanding if he knew the real reason, but here's hoping he never finds out." He gave her a nervous smile.
"Is this everything, Jam? Or do you still need to stop by Ky's place to pick up some things?"
Jam nodded. "Okay... I really don't want to put you all in danger but.." she sighed. "If he does find out, how mad will he be aru ka..?" she mused with a gulp.
"I guess so aru.. I mean, I can just stop by the apartment for changes of clothes if I need them I suppose aru.." That, and she wasn't sure how upset Kuro'd be that others were in his house without his consent- it was, after all, still his house.
"Okay then!" Terry nodded. "Homeward bound!" He started leading away from the school, down the road they had traveled together just days previous. "I'll apologize in advance, but we didn't have much in the way of extra beddings, so all Master Tung could roll out for you was a bedroll and some covers for that. Well, and a pillow, of course."
Comments 15
"I hope it's not too much trouble, on such short notice aru.." she smiled.
"Is this everything, Jam? Or do you still need to stop by Ky's place to pick up some things?"
"I guess so aru.. I mean, I can just stop by the apartment for changes of clothes if I need them I suppose aru.." That, and she wasn't sure how upset Kuro'd be that others were in his house without his consent- it was, after all, still his house.
"So I guess I'm ready aru.."
"So... have you heard from your dad at all?"
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