Who: Zack, open
Where: Zack's apartment
When: Saturday night, 1/17
Warnings: Teenage drinking, craziness, maybe some illegal drug use. It's a high school party, you figure it out.
What:: Zack decides to throw an impromptu party while his cousin is out of town.
Good Catholic boy? ...Sometimes )
At least, that's what she told herself. So when Zack's invite had popped up on her dusty old moniter, her mouse finger had hovered on the little X...
But she didn't click it.
Zack had always been nice to her, trying to accomadate her diet and beliefs despite being a meat-devouring Catholic himself. And in his own clumsy, boyish way, she'd defended her from the angry little Greek guy. Not that she needed it. But it was nice that he tried. Also...she was forced to admit she'd done nothing that could be called 'social' for almost a month, and that was only if you counted Rufus coming over to drop off his gift.
So she biked over to Zack's apartment (they were remarkably close. why hadn't she known that before?). Locking the old schwinn bomber to a tree, she trudged across his building's lawn (keds made marks in the snow) and saw the QB awkwardly shifting from foot to little foot on the stoop. "Hey there short stuff..." She said as she came up behind him. "Sorry about throwing you into that guy at scrimmage."
He heard another knock on the door and laughed. "I should put a sign on the door."
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