First day at Clairbourn

Oct 26, 2008 18:35

Who: open
What: Triela contemplates her first day at Clairbourn
When: afternoon first school day after Homecomming (by the story line anyway)
Where: by the main entrance to the school

Triela adjusted the volume on her mp3 player as she swayed her head and quietly sang along to the Rammstein playing in her ears as she looked over the activities calendar by the main office. Her first day was not too bad, for the most part it was dull but that suited her just fine. The classes she was assigned to were okay, but none of them had yet to peak her interests. She had to try really hard to not laugh in American history, “American history”, she mumbled to herself, “this place was unknown to Europe until almost the 1500’s. I visited Pompeii last fall, now that is history.” The only class that had her worried so far was Home Economics. Triela was really looking forward to that class, after all she was known back home for hosting some killer tea parties, but the teacher was well . . . odd and tended to give the girls in the class a lot of one on one instruction.

As she looked at the activities calendar Triela wondered what kind of sports and clubs there were at this school. Gymnastics try outs had already passed, and while she did have some experience with that sport dancing around in a skimpy leotard was not Triela’s idea of fun. She wrote down the information on the martial arts and kendo but was upset to see nothing listed for target shooting or horseback riding.

Granted classes were over for the day, but Triela still had some time to kill, about an hour in fact, until her ride would show up. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a few other students and faculty still around and every now and then one of them would glance over in her direction. Triela could only wonder if any of them would actually come over and talk to her.
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