Who: Mashiro, Ikkaku, Shinji, Hiyori, Tohru, Axel?, Roxas?, May Lee, umm...anyone else that Mashiro might have invited?
What: Mashiro's birthday~
Where: Local Pizza Place
When: 6/5; afternoonish
Warning: Umm..dunno
Eighteen years on this earth...hard to believe she was that old, just looking at her you'd think she was younger...well except for her protruding stomach. The ride over in Shinji's car had been an easy and uneventful one, except when they got to the restaurant and Hiyori's seatbelt wouldn't come undone. While the two other's fought with it Mashiro went inside to make sure they had room for everyone. Oddly enough the restaurant wasn't that busy.
Once the three of them were inside and settled they waited for the others to arrive.