May 30, 2008 17:58
WHO: Eve and [Open]
WHEN: May 30
WHERE: On the streets near a post box.
WHAT: A chance meeting?
Eve listened to two teenagers talk about summer as they past her little more than a flicker of awareness. She sighed, placing a manila envelope in the slot, wishing that she could be somewhere with friends who wanted to have her as a friend and not as a charity case. The most excitement she had all day was the half a block walk to the post box on an errand for her ‘mother’
Kicking up imaginary dirt on the ground below absentmindedly, her ears picked up the small clink of metal on metal. Discovering she had kicked a small bracelet by accident into the base of the box, she retrieved the small gold keep sake from the floor and held up, examining the chain link that had supposedly broken.
“Where did this come from?”