Mar 17, 2008 21:44

WHO: Haruhi, Kyon, Abby
WHERE: Frasco
WHEN: Monday, March 17th- evening
WHAT: Haruhi's a crazy mofo. Dangerous, creepy mansion you've already gotten in trouble for breaking and entering into, belonging to one of the most powerful families in town? NO PROBLEM. andNOTADATE.

Like some stupid warning was going to stop her.

Medieval weaponry? State of the art anti-infiltration systems? Legal repercussions?

Bring them on. Haruhi Suzumiya wasn't about to be stopped by any of them. Waiting impatiently in front of her apartment building, Haruhi tapped her foot against the wall of the building, looking up at the sky. The sun's rays had just about died out behind the earth's horizon, leaving the sky to the stars for the next number of hours. She hadn't noticed any new, strange star formations tonight.. Scowling, she figured that those aliens HAD to have recieved her newest message! She'd left it with another alien, after all...

But after the previous night's chat she had something else on her mind- the old mansion Frasco, called Flask by some for the many stories and mysteries surrounding it. Horrible experiments, deep dark secrets- this was the stuff of REAL detective and horror stories! And the resident's warning had only made her urge to continue her investigation stronger. Under the cover of night, she'd continue her search for the rumored mad scientist lab of the Addams Family manor! With some help from her unsuspecting underling..

aba, kyon, haruhi

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