Who: Toshiro and Chipp
When: Friday after school
Where: Movie theatre nearby
What: Toshiro actually warms up to someone and they go to see a movie.
In Progress!
Toshiro stood in front of the building, arms crossed over his chest. He'd already bought his tickets and was just waiting for his new acquaintance to arrive. Why on earth he'd been friendly to the kid, he'll never quite understand. He was wearing fairly nice clothes, like he always did. His parents made him look presentable whenever possible. And they were, naturally, overjoyed when he told them he was going to a movie with a new friend. It had been a long time since he'd had a friend, let alone anyone he was willing to see outside of class.
"When is he going to show up," he muttered, despite it being awhile before the film actually started. Impatient and grumpy as ever.