WIP (and stuff waiting to be posted)

Jun 04, 2013 21:34

Story of Faith. Michael/Sara, Lincoln, Michael Jr., Sofia, Kellerman... Post-series, fix-it fic, so canon but not really canon ;) About 22.000 words. I WILL COMPLETE THE DAMN THING.

He touched his fingers to his head; more accurately, he touched the bandages wrapped around his hands to his head. His hands were still numb, skin transplanted on the whole of the palms and fingers. It happens when you grab a non-isolated electrical wire with both hands, Dr. Evergreen had pointed out matter-of-factly as if skin graft was her daily bread.

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The one where Lincoln gets out of jail. Michael/Lincoln, pre-series. About 900 words, needing an ending, a lot of editing and an actual title.

I've tried to find a PG-rated extract - and failed *hangs head in shame*

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Perfectly Imperfect. Sara/Jane, post-series, alternate canon. About 770 words. It's complete - I had forgotten it was - but I'm not happy with it at all. May edit, rewrite or never post it at all. If ever posted, needs a better title.

Michael doesn’t know. Michael doesn’t need to know. Sara suspects that he suspects something, but he won’t ask and she wouldn’t tell anyway. That’s only hers, hers and Jane’s.

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The One With the Pot. Michael/Lincoln, pre-series. About 1740 words. Needs editing. Given my luck with titles these days, I'm seriously considering to keep the working title (thank you, Friends).

He’s moving through cotton wool and foam; velvet and feathers; maybe silk and cashmere. Whatever it is, it’s something soft and warm that slows and cushions his movements, something that dampens the sounds and the light, and makes him float in a fuzzy bubble. It’s pleasant. It’s easy to figure out why Linc likes the feeling so much.

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Damn Fine Tequila. Michael/Sara/Lincoln, post-series, alternate canon. About 1040 words. Written for a prompt (Michael/Sara or Michael/Sara/Lincoln and hard liquor) an anon gave me ages ago. I started a first version, didn't like it, and rewrote it with different dynamics. Needs an ending and editing.

When Lincoln tells her that “Mike doesn’t like tequila,” Sara blinks with the face of a woman who used to looove tequila and regrets she can’t (truthfully doesn’t) love it anymore.

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Earning Surrender. Michael/Sara/Lincoln, post-series, alternate canon. About 1070 words. Complete, waiting to be posted - since, ahem, last November.

They’re two people he doesn’t mind handing control over to, every now and then.

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It Never Happens. Michael/Lincoln, pre-series. About 1600 words. Complete, waiting to be posted - since, ahem again, last December.

They act as though it never happens. They never, ever talk about it, not before, not during, not after. Tacit rules, silent nights. It’s not real if they don’t acknowledge it, is it? Words make things real. Without words, it’s just an illusion, a restrained fantasy.

ego: moi moi moi, writing: miscellanous

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