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May 08, 2013 21:48

Around here, May means a bunch of bank holidays, especially this year, and I was planning to use those to write fic, finish fic I started a while ago and maybe even - let's be crazy - work on Story of Faith. But three weeks ago, I took a written exam and I found out last Monday that I did good enough to be eligible for the oral exam.
Now, let's be clear, I hadn't worked at all for the written exam; I didn't need to for various reasons. Oral exam, though? Really, really not my thing. Never was, never will be. Totally freaking out. Totally need to work for it. It means that I have a dozen days to prep and brush up on stuff I should have been prep'ing for and brushing up on for about six months. (I could have-should have worked on it sooner, but I just... didn't, and yes, I'm the only one to blame BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT HERE *g*)

So I shouldn't have been ficcing. No time. It didn't prevent me from writing two ficlets yesterday. I now have five unfinished or needing-to-be-edited stories, plus two other ones waiting to be posted, plus of course Story of Faith. I also have, let's say four days left to finish preparing for my oral exam. *flails*

On a different note, why do people subscribe to one-shots on AO3? As far as I know, people do it on fanfiction.net when they don't want a fic to show on their profile, but AO3 has private bookmarks. And the END at the end of the one-shot kinda give away that the thing is done and there won't be more of it *iz confused*

ego: moi moi moi, ego: exam, writing: miscellanous

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