Prison Break - After Her

Dec 02, 2012 17:30

Title: After Her
Author: clair-de-lune
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Michael/Sara/Lincoln
Categories: Slash, het
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Incest
Word Count: ~ 250
Prompt & number: 022 Rhythm
Summary: Sara sets the rhythm tonight. (Post-series, alternate canon)
Author’s Note: Written for ot3_100. Set in The Sum of the Parts ‘verse.

Many thanks to foxriverinmate for the beta.

Sara sets the rhythm tonight.

Lincoln will roll along with whatever feels good, and that’s one area and one person to whom Michael - control freak that he is - doesn’t mind at all releasing any kind of control.

It’s not like they need to give her anything, anyway. She can take what she wants, thank you very much.

So Sara’s mood decides the frequency of their fucking. After the second time, Lincoln groans, asks, “Seriously?” and calls her ‘horny’ and ‘insatiable’. It doesn’t sound like a reproach. Proof is that he slides down Michael’s body and takes him into his mouth, his eyes firmly planted on Sara’s.

Her hips fix the pace - no matter which of them happens to be in the middle at the time - alternating from agonizingly slow to frantic with every nuance in-between. Michael pants into her neck and holds onto Lincoln’s shoulders, breath taken away less by the pace itself than by the intensity of the night.

Her hands, her eyes, her moans signal when it’s about time to let go. There will always be time for more, later, so they cave in without a second thought. She triggers a flurry of movements, a fervid dance of hands, a staccato of gasps. And she finishes last because maybe it’s what good girls are condemned to do, but it’s also what allows them to enjoy the whole show.

After, later, her breathing quiets slowly, becomes light and peaceful, her chest barely rises and falls. They breathe after her, fall asleep after her.


--Feedback and kudos are always greatly appreciated, on LJ or at AO3 :)

comm: ot3_100, pairing: michael/sara, fic: one shot, pairing: michael/lincoln, category: slash, fic: sum of the parts, fandom: prison break, category: pwp, category: threesome, category: non-epilogue-compliant, pairing: michael/sara/lincoln, pairing: lincoln/sara

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