Title: Days and Nights
clair-de-luneFandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Michael/Lincoln
Category: Slash
Rating: R
Warning: Incest
Word Count: ~ 165
Summary: Lincoln by day and at night...
A/N: Written for
rounds-of-kink’s Summer Heat Mini-Round 2012 with the prompts ‘sleek’ and the kinks ‘Scent’ and ‘Voyeurism and vision themes’.
Days and Nights )
Thank you for managing to sum up much of what makes me lust over love Lincoln (I particularly loved and becomes a wholly different man when he cracks a smile, so very true), AND getting some M/L hotness in there too. I don't know how you get so much into so few words. <3
I don't know how you get so much into so few words.
Can I quote you to my lovely beta when when she pulls my leg because I may tend, every now and then, to slightly fatten my fics when I said I would edit them? *g*
Thanks a lot, Bunny ;)
Okay, most of the time you do but you didn't do any fattening here and Bunny's right and you got so much into so few words plus the Michael/Lincoln hotness...
No fattening here, indeed. I was too lazy, but sometimes laziness has good sides, since in this case, it helped keeping the drabble crisp ;)
There is something to be said for laziness sometimes after all. With a drabble crispness is a definite bonus. :)
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