Prison Break (English)
NB: all post-series fics are non-epilogue compliant.
Theoretically... ♦ So, they have this fantasy... (Michael/Sara/Jane. Het. Femslash. NC-17.)
White Christmas ♦ Depending on the year, the weather or their whim, they have a white Christmas or a blue Christmas. (Michael/Sara. Het. PG.)
The Fine Line ♦ It becomes a pattern, and then a larger pattern. Back-rubs every now and then evolve into every-other-day-ones that morph into daily massages. (Michael/Lincoln. Slash. R.)
Pimpage, aka fic written for me
Territory by
creepylicious ♦ It's a short story about people Michael loves and who love Michael. (Michael/Sara, Michael/Lincoln. Het, implied slash. PG-13.) Written for my prompts 'secret' and 'trust' for
uncuffmybrother's Christmas Gift Event.
Prompt me
Taking requests and suggestions because I'm in a depressing no-writing-muse-being-mia-land. I can't assure that I'll write all, or any, of them or when, but hopefully, I'll come up with something at some point. Just drop a comment with a fandom, a pairing and/or character, and a prompt - word, sentence, situation, whatever. If you don't have an LJ account, anonymous comments are on, so feel free to use them :)