September 2011 fic round-up & prompt post

Oct 07, 2011 22:26

Prompt me

Taking requests and suggestions. I can't assure that I'll write all, or any, of them or when, but hopefully, I'll come up with something at some point. Just drop a comment with a fandom, a pairing and/or character, and a prompt - word, sentence, situation, whatever. If you don't have an LJ account, anonymous comments are on, so feel free to use them :)

Prison Break (English)

NB: all post-series fics are non-epilogue compliant.

Small Pieces ♦ Of course, it has to happen while Michael is not here. (Lincoln/Sara, implied Michael/Lincoln/Sara. Het, slash. NC-17)

Mind's Eye ♦ Michael wouldn’t back off on this. Sara asked; she got her answer. (Michael/Sara, fantasy Michael/Sara/Mahone. Het, slash. NC-17.)

The Wetsuit ♦ At some point, they’ve started to target his wetsuit. (Michael/Lincoln. Slash. NC-17.)


Fall Fandom Free-For-All (my requests are here. Just sayin' ;))

writing: prompts, writing: miscellanous, fangirl: recs & pimpage, fanfic: monthly, fandom: prison break

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