Prison Break - The Outsider

Aug 03, 2010 17:47

Title: The Outsider
Author: clair-de-lune
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Michael/Lincoln/Sucre, Michael/Lincoln
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Incest
Word Count: ~ 1365
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: Michael, Lincoln and Sucre are in a shack... that’s pretty much it. Do not look for a plot in there. (Second season.)
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pairing: michael/lincoln/sucre, pairing: michael/sucre, fanfic: english, fic: one shot, pairing: michael/lincoln, category: slash, fandom: prison break, category: pwp, category: threesome

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Comments 15

tuesdaeschild August 3 2010, 17:35:05 UTC
Oooh man!!! That Sucre sure looks good in a sandwich!! Tasty!!

He actually made a perfect appetiser and the main course was delicious!! Both dishes had me licking my lips...all I need now is a dessert!!

I can't help thinking that Michael and Lincoln got a kick out of Sucre watching them *coughs* perform! But poor Nando was like a kid outside a candy store looking longingly through the window, wasn't he?!! :)

And best of all I felt you justified the whole feast perfectly well! We do like our justification, don't we?!! ;)

Another gorgeous fic to add to the list!!


clair_de_lune August 4 2010, 15:34:40 UTC
Hm. Was it dinner time when you posted your comment, Foxy Dearie? *g*

I swear on Michael's tattoo that if I justified anything in this fic, it was totally unvoluntary. It's the PWPest PWP that I've ever PWPed. And now, I sound like a smurf. But I guess Michael was like that at least back then: using people and feeling better if they benefited of it, but in the end, devoted to Lincoln/his goal (yes, basically, I copied here what I told you when I sent the fic for the beta :-p).

I can't help thinking that Michael and Lincoln got a kick out of Sucre watching them

I hesitate between them not caring in the slighest - they let him go and keep going on without even looking at him - and indeed getting a kick out of it - Michael's comment about Sucre tasting nice? ^__^ I guess both can work and, since it's told in Sucre's POV, we can't know for sure.

*hands you a chocolate mousse and a napkin*


tuesdaeschild August 5 2010, 18:29:49 UTC
Was it dinner time when you posted your comment, Foxy Dearie? *g*

As I recall I think it was approaching dinner time. ;)

It's the PWPest PWP that I've ever PWPed.

LOLs!! And if the justification was completely involuntary I say YAY! for happy accidents!!

(yes, basically, I copied here what I told you when I sent the fic for the beta :-p).

You have no idea how much of a comfort it is to me to know that I'm not the only one who repeats herself!! But I do agree that Michael probably felt better if the 'victim' received some benefit from his manipulations. Suddenly that seems like a cheap innuendo!

since it's told in Sucre's POV, we can't know for sure.

True...but I like to think that the brothers might have enjoyed the voyeuristic aspect of a soundly rogered Sucre watching them!!

Ooooh! Chocolate Mousse! My favourite! Thank you!



clair_de_lune August 6 2010, 09:34:49 UTC
You have no idea how much of a comfort it is to me to know that I'm not the only one who repeats herself!!

It's not because we forget and ramble. It's because we have firm opinions and aren't airheads changing their mind all the time ;)

But I do agree that Michael probably felt better if the 'victim' received some benefit from his manipulations.

He was not an evil person, just a very... driven one. It was this embiguity that I liked so much during the first season, and that I can't quite spot in the same way later.

Chocolate Mousse! My favourite! Thank you!

You're welcome. You asked for dessert... ;)


e_chance_woods August 3 2010, 22:33:32 UTC you ( ... )


clair_de_lune August 4 2010, 15:36:58 UTC
LOL, thank you ;)

I have a hunch that I'm repeating myself, but I have trouble with the notion of Sucre slash. He's not 'naturally slashable' for me, if I may say so.

Even though he's an outsider, he's an outsider with privileges

This is exactly the feeling I got from the show too. Maybe because he was the sweetest less threatening inmate in S1. Michael certainly let him "in" more than any other character.

Sucre being a conduit for the brothers to provide pleasure to each other

After I finished writing the fic, I realized how bad they are with him. Not that he complains :-p but still. In the comment above, foxriverinmate (who was apparently very hungry when she commented *g*) says that he was 'the perfect appetiser' - and he was. They play with him. It's even more obvious in the story I mentioned in the notes: it's not spelled out but in my mind, in said fic, Michael kisses him just to get to/annoy Lincoln ( ... )


e_chance_woods August 4 2010, 18:57:48 UTC
In a conventional sense I suppose Lincoln and Michael are bad with him, but in the sense of their canon characterizations this sort of threesome~relationship is really the only one that makes sense (to me) and wouldn't leave Sucre guilt-ridden and tortured. Sucre loves Maricruz...period. I see Sucre stepping out of the bromance zone if--and only if--he has emotional and intellectual rationalizations and safety zones in place ( ... )


clair_de_lune August 4 2010, 19:46:31 UTC
Sucre loves Maricruz...period.
I agree.

You don't need to convince me about Michael/Sara: I share the same opinion. Maybe not "not interesting" but this: almost chaste, "making love"? Very much.

I have very few NC-17 stories for them (and one actually got this rating because it's also Michael/Lincoln). Even those aren't the same kind of NC-17 than the stuff I write for other pairings. It's difficult for me to go there with them. A recent one is titled Shades of Vanilla. I'm not trying to sell it to you, just saying: in the title of a Michael/Sara fic, I used the word "vanilla" ^__^ I'm only starting to get a bit more explicit with them outside of the M/S/L stuff, leaning on two details: Sara saying to Michael in S1 that she wasn't a "good girl", and Michael looking quite happily at her cleavage in I don't remember which episode of S4. Meager.

Not bored to death at all, still very much alive ;-) It's nice to talk about the show.


(The comment has been removed)

clair_de_lune August 5 2010, 16:25:58 UTC
I wanted to write a small persistent plot bunny, and suddenly, it was a smutty illustration of the way Michael and Lincoln - mostly Michael - could use people earlier in the series. Poor Sucre. Even though he doesn't complain too much :-p

Thank you!


putu2sleep August 9 2010, 00:11:14 UTC
Oh, this was deliciously hot! I felt like I was a dirty little voyeur sitting in the corner! But I don't mind. I'll be quiet, I promise! ;)

I always picture Michael in the middle of that sandwich, so a lost-in-sensation Sucre was a wonderful touch. And Linc the sink on his knees could definitely be a sexy/scary site. I love it!

And by the end, I was panting right along with them. I didn't just write that, did I?

Thanks. This was an absolutely sinful delight! It was so good, I think I gained weight just reading it!


clair_de_lune August 9 2010, 18:00:00 UTC
I've snowed people under Michael/Lincoln/Sara fics lately (and especially Foxy, who's been beta-reading a lot of them). I thought it was about time to change a variable in the equation. I'm happy you approve *g*

I'm all about Michael/Lincoln (or Michael/Sara... or Michael/Lincoln/Sara, but that's not the point). I'm saying just in case you hadn't noticed ;) Maybe it's paradoxical, but the M/L aspect works better for me if Sucre is the focus of their attention: then, it becomes about their complicity more than about their physical realationship - although they do get there, eventually. Hence Sucre in the middle.

I didn't just write that, did I?
You did *nods head*

It's okay. It's just virtual calories, they'll be gone in no time :)


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