Title: Best Remained Unsaid
clair-de-luneCharacters: Michael/Lincoln
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Incest
Word Count: ~ 1275
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: It would be wiser if some things remained unsaid. Obviously, they don’t do ‘wise’ a lot, so stuff is spoken about.
Author’s Note: Many thanks to
foxriverinmate for the
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Comments 6
I wanted to sneak in a paragraph a bit softer than the ones just before and after it to have a bit of sweetness at the end of the fic ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed the fic, and the banter.
Thanks again for reading and commenting!
All the little snippets formed a wonderful tale of love, in all the wrong ways, of course, but love nonetheless.
Loved it! And, yes I definitely like the handcuffs, too!
I once wrote a fic revolving around Lincoln's obsession for Michael's hands. I assume handcuffs were the next, twisted, step :-p
I'm happy you liked it, and thanks so much for commenting :)
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