Title: In a Few Words... (3)
clair-de-luneCharacters: Lincoln/Sara
Category: Het
Rating: R
Word Count: 100 + 60
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: Ten categories, ten words.
Author’s Note That microfic thing is a bit addictive... *facepalm*
Microfic meme: try to write different categories of fic (angst, fluff, UST, romance... can you think of others?) in ten words or less.
The resident attending to Michael was hot - like really hot...
She dreamt of Lincoln dying in the Chair too often.
Lincoln’s heart always beats slightly too fast under her stethoscope.
First time
Up against the wall in his cell... Soft, desperate, unforgettable.
She enjoyed their little stunt in Vegas way too much.
He gingerly brushes Sara’s shoulder and shivers when she collapses.
The thought of Michael finding out is appallingly, terribly fascinating.
She head-butted him once. Hours later, it still fucking HURT.
Fingers, lips and tongue - his touch makes her arch wantonly.
Eventually, he agreed to teach her the origami crane thing.
* *
DeathFic: She knows she can’t save them all. She just wishes...
UST: Damn golden bikini. He means... fucking damn golden bikini.
UST: If he could button up his shirts, it would help.
First time: Against the wall in his cell... First time, last time.
Hurt/Comfort: He wraps his arms around her and watches her collapse.
Hurt/Comfort: He wraps her in his arms and gently rocks her.