Meme Time

Nov 06, 2008 19:28

Stolen from camille_miko

Fandom Sins Meme

(Self inserts, mary sues, and the likes)
[_] Written a self-insert fic?
[_] Given an in-series character your hobbies, likes, or dislikes?
[x] Created a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu? (Actually, I don't remember, but to my dismay, it's highly probable that it happened.)
[_] ... And then zealously denied they were one?
[x] Invented and populated an alternate universe so complex it might as well be an original novel? (Kind of)
[_] ... And then eventually decided to make it into an original novel?
[_] Claimed a given character as YOUR boyfriend/girlfriend/exclusive drooling property?
total: 2

(the money you've shelled out for fandom goodies)
[_] Gone without basic necessities to get fandom necessities instead?
[_] Spent over a hundred dollars on fandom related good at once?
[_] ... Over five hundred?
[_] Purchased dvds, doujinshi, manga, etc. directly from Japan? (I don't do manga and this kind of thing, so it's quite irrelevant, but I can't think of anything equivalent for tv shows)
[_] ... when you don't speak/can't read Japanese?
[_] Bought music, food, cherry flavored lube because you saw your favorite character enjoy it in series?
[_] ... Because you saw it in a fic?
total: 0

(Cosplay and mimicking characters)
[_] Cosplayed an age/gender/weight/body inappropriate character?
[_] Cosplayed a character you know nothing about?
[_] Cosplayed as a love interest of your favorite character just to get cosplay attention from said character?
[_] Made out with someone because of who they cosplayed?
[_] Stalked some one online/at a con/at school, because of who they cosplayed/RP/remind you of?
[_] Claimed a character as your muse/soulbond/head mate?
[_] Claimed you ARE a given character?
total: 0

(Flame wars, shipping, and other rage inspired by fandom)
[x] Started or been involved in a flame war over a pairing? (Does it really count if it happened while moderating a b-board?)
[_] ... Over someone not writing/RPing a favorite character "right"?
[_] ... Over someone claiming 'your' character as theirs?
[_] Written a fic just to bash a character you don't like?
[_] ... and killed them horribly in the fic?
[x] Hated a ship or character because of someone who supports/RPs it? (*cough* What about a whole show?)
[_] Ended a friendship because you don't ship the same things?
total: 2

[_] Written/RPed/drawn lemon as a virgin?
[_] Used something you read in a fic/RP on your RL boy/girlfirend?
[_] Wrote a completely impossible crack pairing smut which became a fandom staple?
[_] Can you recommend fics by kink?
[_] Suggested something on a kink meme and then fulfilled your own request?
[x] Written/enjoyed a kink that completely squicks you in RL? (Um, brothecest...?)
[x] Discovered a kink because of fandom? (Sometimes, you read scary, scary things at fanficrants *shivers*)
total: 2

(All nighters and other gluttonous consumption of fandom goodies)
[_] Watched an entire series in one sitting?
[_] ... And it was more than twenty episodes?.
[_] Eaten only anime-related foods (pocky, sushi, etc.) during a marathon?
[_] Played any sort of anime drinking game?
[_] ...Created an anime drinking game?
[_] Applied for a character in an RP just so that no one else could RP them?
[_] Claimed all the fics for your fandom/pairing in a kink meme?
total: 0

(Blowing shit off you need to do for fandom things)
[_] Stayed up all night RPing/reading fic/watching anime/playing video games when you had school/work the next day?
[_] Asked for an extension on something you didn't do because you were reading fic/RPing/watching anime?
[x] Read fic or RPed while at school/work? (I have *never* read fic while at school or work! Now, writing them is another story...)
[_] ... And it was smut?
[_] Made things up because you were too lazy to check series facts for your fic?
[_] Filled out a fandom related meme when you should have been working/doing homework?
[_] Created a fandom related meme when you should have been working/doing homework?
total: 1

total: 7


0-7: Fandom Virgin - You are a pure, untouched soul. You've never been in fandom before. In fact, you probably aren't sure what it is... Just don't ask us to be gentle, okay?

8-14: Fandom Saint - You're a saint! You've done so little wrong in fandom! ... In fact, you're kind of boring. Go out and write some smut already!

15-21: Repentant Sinner - You've made your mistakes in the past, but you're ready to let that go. With some good fic or fanart, you'll be in the fandom gods good graces again. Now get on your knees and show me just how sorry you really are.

22-28: Middle Way - You're a walking contradiction. For every good fic and thoughtful review there's a flame and a self-insert to balance it. You're a fence-sitter, neither good nor bad, though you have the potential for both. So make up your damn mind already!

29-35: Bad Influence - You're certainly not the worst that fandom has to offer, but your fandom soul is more than slightly tarnished. In fact, you might be responsible for the corruption of others. But you probably don't feel sorry about it.

36-42: Damned Sinner - Where am I? Where are we going? And why am I in this fandom shaped handbasket? ... Well, at least we've got really good smut here.

43-49: Fandom Demon - You've done it all, been around the fandom block, and baby, you don't even regret it. Satan could learn a thing or two from you.

Really? o_O

ego: moi moi moi, lj: memes, fangirl: random

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