Title: Well-Advised
clair-de-luneCharacters: T-Bag, Michael
Genre: Gen
Word Count: ~ 570
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: One of the few pieces of good advice his father ever gave Theodore was to be careful of what he wished for, because he just might get it.
Notes: Set during episode 2.22. Thanks to
torigates for
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Comments 15
Eh, je le dis aussi, ça ! lol Depuis le jour où je l'ai lu je ne sais plus où, je trouve que c'est souvent approprié.
Peut-être qu'il serait utile que tu m'expliques un peu ce qui se passe dans l'épisode auquel tu fais référence, par contre. ^^;
Bon, il ne faut vraiment pas que je regarde cette série, moi ! Des trucs pareils, j'en ferais des cauchemars ! (Les couteaux, c'est une de mes phobies.)
I haven't written a lot of them and I usually keep them short - who would want to linger on Teddy's mind? ^^- but once in a while, it's fun interesting to try.
i loved the entire cabin scene between the two. you fleshed out that flashback from his childhood home very well (eventhough it creeped me out '->)
psst...there is a tiny typo in the second to last paragraph. by-scout instead of boy-scout.
Actually, I wrote the original version of this fic when I was writing a rather happy story, The Time They Need. I needed something different to change my mind: T-Bag was just perfect for that. You can always trust him with the creepy.
Thanks a lot for the great feedback :) I'm glad you liked the story.
And thanks for the typo - fixed ;)
You know, I'm still seriously considering learning French so I can read your writing in its original form. Meep.
As usual, I am in awe at the range of your writing. Every character in your stories is perfectly *in* character, whether it's Gretchen or Sofia or Sara or Michael or T-Bag, each voice distant and very much their own.
I'm off to read that Jane/Sara now. *glees*
lol, thank you ;)
I've always tended to focus (a lot) on Michael, Lincon and Sara, but I used to write a rather wide range of characters and I miss that. I still hope it'll get better when the fourth season starts ^^
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