Title: Six Past Midnight in a Jail
clair-de-luneCharacters: Ensemble
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: He can distinctly hear the click of the clock hand when it hits six past midnight.
Notes: Thanks to
torigates for her help with the translation (
original version). Prompt/title by
Six Past Midnight in a Jail )
Comments 9
Good one-shot :D
keep posting and I'll keep reading.
lol, it's a deal. I'll do my best to play my part ;-)
Thanks for the link to this one, my friend! I was pretty much convinced through most of it that they'd actually executed Lincoln...I was totally relieved when I realised they hadn't!
A wonderful insight into the thoughts of most of the cast of our favourite show - and great writing! :)
Can you believe that at some point, I wrote angsty gen?! ;)
Thank you for reading and commenting, Foxy!
Yes, I can believe that at some point you wrote angsty gen...you just moved on to OT3 and smut, which in my book is a natural progression!! ;)
My pleasure, my dear. :)
which in my book is a natural progression!! ;)
Yes, I wonder why not everyone followed the same path ;)
(The comment has been removed)
And thank you for your kind words :)
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