Yesterday, I spent the day doing mindless work on my computer, catching up on signing all the notes I didn't have time to sign while I was rounding on the inpatient service. It literally took me all day and well into the evening. I took a break during BBC America's reruns of Doctor Who (from series 2) from 6-8 pm. And, when that was over, I left the TV on, but didn't pay much attention and continued to sign my notes. I briefly looked up from time to time during the 2 episodes of Robin Hood that were on from 8-10 pm. I haven't really gotten into that show, which is surprising, since it seems like it would be just my thing...
cynodd and I were always really fascinated by Robin Hood stories. That was in high school, but it might as well have been only yesterday.
There was no new Doctor Who on this week for us over here in the US, but I think I heard the essential part of the cliffhanger from "The Stolen Earth" that made
fullmoon_dreams say, "OMG-OMG-OMG," last week. So, with no spoilers, a question for her: were you happy with the outcome in last night's episode? It's taking all my willpower not to try finding the rest of the series on YouTube to watch it all right now, since I don't want to wait until I get back from the UK in August to find out what happens! I really hope they have Doctor Who available for download on iTunes over there.
Anyway, I finally finished signing everything I could sign sometime after 10 pm last night. And, as I'd left the TV on after Doctor Who, it was The Graham Norton Show that happened to be on at that time. I've seen this show once or twice before, though the only time I made a specific effort to watch it was when David Tennant appeared as a guest. They used to have a little clip at the beginning of the show explaining how to turn on the closed captioning for those of us Americans who couldn't understand the heavy accents. *lol* They don't appear to be doing that anymore - perhaps people were offended? I mean, chances are people who can't understand British accents aren't going to be watching BBC America anyway.
So, one of Graham Norton's guests last night was Nigella Lawson of cookbook and cooking show fame. Apparently, they thought it would be really funny to have a member of the audience make a dish, as if they were on a cooking show, with some truly disgusting food. They chose surströmming, which is some kind of fermented herring in a can that is eaten in Sweden. As demonstrated on the show, the stench of it is overpowering. They also had, in the audience, the guy from this video who demonstrated what it's like to actually eat* surströmming:
Click to view
I'm very suggestible and have a weak stomach for this sort of thing, so I seriously can't watch this video without gagging along, but it's also kind of funny. At the end of the video, the guy announces that he doesn't even like fish. What would possess a person who doesn't like fish to eat a fermented herring, I have no idea! I hate seafood, too, and would you ever catch me eating something like that? I don't think so!
*That's a deliberate split infinitive. *geek*