Dec 01, 2005 12:43

...is what I came home to last night.

Passive aggressiveness is SO sexy. Oh my god.

Like jesusfuck who raised this person. They did not do a very good job in the teachings of a) socialization b)common decency c) respect d) comprimise e) communication f) anger management

He passed me twice in the livingroom without saying anything before my roomate Briar had told me about the note. I confronted him.

I cant even explain the ridiculousness and honesly shocking way this person vocalizes (yell, swear, repeat...) his thoughts.

Ive never met a person so unwilling to hear, let alone try and understand why someone is doing something, like not flushing a toilet. He took it at a "personal attack against his hygiene". Oh fuck me, that's just bullshit. He thought we were using the environment line as an excuse because we are all actually just "lazy slobs and bitches". He even went as far as commenting on how I am "a lesbian and not acting in a feminine way and trying to be masculine" by leaving my piss in the toilet.

At that point I cracked, and yes I did tell him how pathetic he is. Yes i did tell him that none of us want him living in the house. I did ask him why he would remain in a situation where he is obviously so unhappy when he would so obviously be more suited to live on his own.

"Im not going to move just cause you bitches want me to."

Alright then... I will.

I gave my notice.

He even disconnected our internet as a "retaliation". His own words. He also said I am not "allowed" to use his pots, pans and garbage can. Ha! I stopped using his shit 2 months ago because I was always cleaning his messes up!

People like this make me wish there was a guarantee on each of us. I would return this one and expect a full refund and then some.

"So are you going to flush the fucking toilet?!"

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